Mankind often believes that God is not personally interested or involved in one's life. Yet, the Psalmist teaches us that God is very "hands-on". His personal interest and attention to…
Tet pictures a container. What is in the container, is what was in the hand, now stored in the container and marked. What then is stored is a benefit for…
The Psalmist uses the letter Het to signify grace and new beginnings. As he opens this part of Psalm 119 by stating that he is satisfied with God as his…
Remembrances are specific times to recall important things. The Psalmist calls believers to deliberately set aside time to be reminded of God's values.
Within this section of the Psalm, there are foundational truths to peg your life on. Join us as we discover these.
With so much around us to demand our time, distract our minds, distance us from the Word of God, The Psalmist issues a challenge. Check your gaze. Has it shifted…
Spiritually dry? Racked by guilt? Feeling hopeless? Sleepless? Overwhelmed with grief? Anxious? God does have a way out of these life moments. For the needy one, God provides a way…
How does one get refreshed when lonely, ridiculed, opposed, falsely accused while living by the Word? This passage gives direction to soothe the soul.
God has given us His Word in the housing of the printed, written word we hold in our hands. He also challenges us to house His Word in our hearts.…
Just as language has a starting point for forming words, phrases, sentences to express thought, so God shows us where the starting point is for mankind and living life. It…
Psalm 119 is a unigue psalm. Not only is it the longest of the Psalms, but it is also the most structured. Join us as we learn from the alphabetical…
Psalm 118, part of the "Hallel", rejoices in God's deliverance of His people. While recited during the Passover, this Psalm also introduces the Deliverer of all mankind, Jesus Christ.
When we are in distress, the merciful God is our dependable refuge as He has been for Israel. Put His reputation to the test and call out to Him as…
God the Creator and Sovereign must become the centre of our praise and worship. For as God delivered, established and is loyal to His people, the Jews, so today we…