The Land of Israel is theologically important. It's not just a place where people groups have a running feud. The thread of Scripture teaches us that God is the only…
Theologically, why is Israel important? Israel is living proof that God brings life out of death. Isaac was born to parents who were barren.God did a miraculous work to bring…
God's promise to Abraham regarding the land of Israel goes back to 2086 BC. Learn as we trace the trail of the Promised Land through the Patriarchs today, answering the…
There are claims by the Jews and the Arabs, as the son of Abraham, to be rightful heirs to the land of Israel. So, which son is the heir? What…
Mankind often believes that God is not personally interested or involved in one's life. Yet, the Psalmist teaches us that God is very "hands-on". His personal interest and attention to…
Prophecy is a significant part of Scripture. Yet, it is often only given passing interest. For those who will seek to understand and know what God says in prophecy, He…
In this book of doctrine, Romans, Paul teaches a point of doctrine for believers today. This reminds the Church today to regard Israel as God regards her. For there remains…
A biblical mystery is a divine secret. It is something God tells us about and then explains the meaning of it. Paul writes in Romans 11:25, that God's little secret…
Tet pictures a container. What is in the container, is what was in the hand, now stored in the container and marked. What then is stored is a benefit for…
The Psalmist uses the letter Het to signify grace and new beginnings. As he opens this part of Psalm 119 by stating that he is satisfied with God as his…
God has a purpose related to Israel, Jerusalem, the Temple and the coming Kingdom. Gabriel laid these out for Daniel in The Seventy Weeks.
Remembrances are specific times to recall important things. The Psalmist calls believers to deliberately set aside time to be reminded of God's values.
As Daniel learned the meaning of the "week", God revealed His purpose for the weeks to him. God has a plan for the land of Israel, a plan for the…
Within this section of the Psalm, there are foundational truths to peg your life on. Join us as we discover these.
As Daniel understood the significance of the dates of the captivity, so there is significance for the seventy weeks revealed to Daniel. What is the meaning of a "week" which…
With so much around us to demand our time, distract our minds, distance us from the Word of God, The Psalmist issues a challenge. Check your gaze. Has it shifted…
Many mysteries remain unsolved today. Many have tried to come up with an answer to them and failed. But, that is not true with the Bible. God graciously gives the…
Spiritually dry? Racked by guilt? Feeling hopeless? Sleepless? Overwhelmed with grief? Anxious? God does have a way out of these life moments. For the needy one, God provides a way…
The Bible describes for us the conditions and what to expect in the End Times during The Tribulation. What is The Tribulation? When is The Tribulation? Knowing these facts helps…
How does one get refreshed when lonely, ridiculed, opposed, falsely accused while living by the Word? This passage gives direction to soothe the soul.